Friday, September 30, 2011

A place to study

What makes a good place to study? Obviously, this question applies to how one would be able to study with no interruptions right? I've learned in my career exploration class, a good place to study is one where there is complete silence and minimal interruptions (preferably none at all).

Lately, I've been trying to get school work done and I'm not saying its close to impossible...but, when you're taking care of a four year old who you don't want sitting in front of the tube the entire time (which is sad to say my temporary babysitter)...then, yeah! It can be a little distracting because a parent should not neglect their child. Sometimes while I'm at my computer, my son will do other things such as play with his toys. Right now he is practicing writing his name. This required my supervision, so I'm back to vent about how I should be spending more time reading and writing with him.

*cooking breakfast* he's hungry

There has to be something that works. I get off school by 11:45 Mon-Thurs, pick up my son at daycare by 12-12:30. Then come home by at least 1. I don't start studying right away. My brain needs to wind down first. My son and I eat lunch and I  make sure he is cleaned up and settled in. Around 2, I am back and forth with attending to Elijah and my school work. By the time I know it, 5 hits and its time to prepare for dinner. My husband comes home, we eat dinner this time I just want to spend time with my family. Maybe this is my fault in having a lack of studying time because I should just hit the books right after dinner. I dealt this hand upon myself...having a family while returning back to school. Real smart Nette. Real smart.

On top of this, there's Nate. My other kid. LOL

Anyway, library time is probably a must this semester. Funny thing is I like to study at home, but I just get carried away which is what I realized are my very own interruptions: Making my family the priority. Do I mind? Of course not. Can I juggle school and home? Yes. And ya know what?
Its all worth it.

* Movie "Rio" is playing 3 feet away from me for the first time today (sigh) will not be the last.*

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