Thursday, September 22, 2011

A sigh over Nate

What would you do for your only sibling? One would say, of course...anything. Heartless people would say, jack sh*t. Is it possible to be in-between? I guess it would depend on the relationship and if your sibling is not a complete f' up, right? The journey with my bro has been one hell of a ride. Just recently, well...not sure if 3 months is recent but, my brother got kicked out of my mom's house. He's 23, didn't have a job when he got kicked out, and I was pretty much the only one he could go to. He called me from a pay phone and told me that once again that mom and him got into it. What started it this time? The damn air-conditioning. She didn't want it on, and his dumba** turned it on. When I first heard the story, I kind of took my bro's side because damn it..its the summer time...and it could get hot. Turn up the AC! My mom could be a total b*tch at times. Anyway, that argument was the icing on the cake for her. I know there are other issues that she just got fed up with, so that I could understand. Did I think twice about my brother coming to live with us before I picked him up? Of course. But, I knew I couldn't leave him out there. My hope is that he will give himself good life-goals while living with me and eventually accomplish them. The first thing my husband and I did was lay out some ground rules for him. My husband typed out his "what not to do" rules and created a contract so my brother could understand discipline and consequences of negative actions. This was also created so my brother can have daily reminders of what is expected of him such as cleanliness and responsibility. My husband even designed a questionnaire to help him see how and why he’s in his current situation and how fortunate he was to still have us support him in his time of need. This is important because if he can't appreciate what other people are doing for him, then the more likely he will take advantage of those people and his present living situation. Things were going good until two weeks ago.
My brother and I fought. Not verbally either. He didn't hit me, however I ended up attacking him. Is this totally against the law? Yes, it is. But, in my world...when you're being called a b*tch to your face you better be prepared to have one landed on you. Straight up. Yup, I could be a mom/wife/student/ and crazy gangster chick all rolled up into one at times. On this particular night we were coming home from a friend’s barbeque in Morgan Hill. My husband and bro were both buzzed so I ended up being the designated driver. I was driving home and my brother started a conversation that was going absolutely no where. It all started when we were discussing his back-in-the-day drug habits and “hanging around the wrong crowd era” that he was going through. He tried to argue that drug dealers could smoke their own sh*t and get rich from selling other people dope and will NEVER eventually get CAUGHT. WTF? I was thinking, are you F'ing serious? They will always get caught. I finally said..."lets just agree to disagree and please keep your mouth zipped now." He proceeded to tell me I am arrogant and will never know because I've never experienced hanging out with drug dealers and yada yada yada. Ummm, sure I have. But, I'm not going to even go there right now. As soon as I parked, he got out the car and I told him he needed to sleep somewhere else for the night. That’s when he said it- B-I-T-C-H.  And that’s when my fist landed on his face multiple times.  After my husband pushed my brother away to safety from my fists of fury, I took my sleeping son from the truck and marched to the house… leaving them outside.  Soon afterwards the neighbors called the cops and next thing you know some chick cop came knocking on my door. She asked me if I hit him and I said, “yup.” I told her the whole story of how he was talking his sh*t while I drove his ass back to MY house. She said if he wanted to press charges, I could go to jail for assault. I gave her the look like “go ahead” do what you have to do. She said she “understood” and asked me if he could spend one more night at our place. I said sure and his a** has been here ever since. I’m waiting for an apology, but I haven’t heard a peep from him so far. His a** is lucky he’s still here.

Vocabulary words:

secular: (adjective) 1. Denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis

hubris: (noun) 1. Excessive pride or self-confidence.

2. (in Greek tragedy) Excessive pride toward or defiance of the gods,    leading to nemesis.

Note- I just re-read this blog; trying to decide if I should edit. I’m not always this full of rage…not that it matters. Ha. Next blog will be on, dunt da da da… Republican debate! I actually watched this via Fox channel tonight. Romney seems like he was well prepared, that bastard.

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