Thursday, November 10, 2011

Time to Reboot

This past week my husband and I have been trying to implement juicing into our diet. My in-laws showed us a documentary called Food Matters. Seeing this documentary really made me interested in changing the way we eat. One of the speakers in this doc mentioned, the easy part is saying you want to be healthy; but for most people- they opt out of taking action on being healthy because they have to be responsible for the way they live. There should be more health care professionals advocating on how nutrition is important.  It will save many trips to the doctor and can prevent diseases. In Food Matters, one of the doctors said good health doesn't make the big bucks and conventional medicine are slow killers. We see how prescription drugs are evolving today. There's a drug out to cure nearly everything. Feeling tired lately? Here take a drug. Do you have anxiety? Here take a drug. Chris Rock mocks the pharmaceutical industry by saying in one of his stand-up comedies, "soon we'll be seeing commercials like this.. do you go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning?"  LOL

After seeing Food Matters I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Then I watched the Gerston Miracle. I strongly recommend seeing these documentaries. If my pockets were deep, I'd buy everyone a juicer and supply them with fruits and vegetables.

An individual who is taking many prescriptive drugs and wants to get off of them can do it by changing their diet. Juicing for ten day straight and eating no solid food may seem really strict. So, juicing and eating some solids is an exceptionally good diet as well. I noticed I haven't been having cravings for solid food after drinking juice. I still eat solids but not as much. The juice we make consists of carrots, kale, apples, celery, lemon, cucumber and ginger. The amount of each fruit or vegetable can vary depending on how you like the taste. If you want it more sweet, then add more apple. You can even add agave (organic sweetener).

We picked up the juicer at Costco (Jack LaLanne Ultimate Power Juicer). I believe you can even get one at Bed Bath and Beyond.


The state of being potential.
Inherent capacity for growth, development, or coming into existence.
Something possessing such capacity.
The act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something; "the aggrandizement of the king"; "his elevation to cardinal"


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